
Are you succeeding at making your workplace more sustainable but want to motivate and inspire your staff with sustainability? We can help!

Sustainability workshops

If you are looking to raise awareness of sustainability then we can help by running sustainability workshops. These can cover specific topics, such as solar panels, heat pumps or increasing biodiversity, or more general sustainability swaps and can be tailored to your needs. They are interactive workshops, raising awareness and giving your workforce ideas to increase sustainability.

We are happy to work with you to motivate staff so can introduce competitive aspects or community building sessions, if this would be beneficial. Get in touch to discuss further.

Helia Net Zero Tailored Sustainability Workshop Pilot Scheme £150 only

Individual assessments

Support your staff to have a household sustainability assessment. We will meet with the staff member (with a 25% discount on full cost for more than 10 at a time), either online or face to face, to discuss their individual situation, identify the measures they are currently taking and make tailored recommendations of next steps.